
Ali RancourtBy Ali RancourtJanuary 26, 20216 Minutes

For years I questioned what “self-love” was, and how to find it. Was it something I could buy for instant gratification, like discount jeans at Nordstrom? Or was it something I could just wake up with, like the 5lb weight gain you can’t put a finger on – it just appears?

Welp, sadly, neither. I realized that self-love was not just going to fall into my lap. It was something I needed to work towards, practice and maintain. The only problem was, I didn’t know where to begin. What I constantly pushed away and didn’t choose to make time for, was exactly what I needed. This year, I finally committed to that journey (no, this is not the bachelorette).

A journey that involved: exploring my passions, putting myself first, focusing on my health and learning to laugh out loud – with nobody in the room. Let me tell you, that last one has really caught on. Although it’s a work in progress, I would love to share 4 of the steps I have taken to get here.

Exploring Passions & Interests

It’s easy to feel like your life is stuck in a pattern. Getting up at the same time every day, working long hours and then coming home to snooze and repeat. That’s why it’s important to find something that you’re passionate about!

Did you recently go to a dance class at your gym and realize you kinda loved it? Amazing! Explore that and join a local studio. Did you try a new recipe and uncover your secret love for cooking? YUM! Chef it up for your roomies a few nights a week.

For me, creating a website was always just a daydream. When I finally decided to actually pursue this passion, I thought “ what took so long!” Now, building my website is something I look forward to after a long day at the office. I can’t wait to come home, pour myself a glass of wine, and create some new content.

Adding these creative hours into your schedule will allow your body and mind to separate from the daily cycle. Plus, you may find out you’re actually destined to be a dancer, a chef, or a blogger 🙂

Learning to be "OK" Alone

Yes, I would argue that life is better when you’re surrounded by good company. But not only is it “OK” to be alone, it’s actually super healthy. Being alone allows you to learn about yourself, build confidence, and be selfish.

Single? Join the club. Instead of wishing your time was spent with someone else, make the most of time with yourself. Take time to focus on your opinions, your happiness and your success. If you can conquer these things alone, then you can do the same with someone by your side.

In a relationship? Amazing. But it can be easy to forget about you, when you’re busy focusing on you two. Plan time outside of your relationship to be with friends and family and continue to create your own happiness without relying on your significant other.

Be your own cheerleader!

Self Care

Think about how you would offer “love” to others, and give that back to yourself! A movie night with your close friends, Ben and Jerry’s? Check. Couples Massage? Make it a single. Something catch your eye window shopping? Buy it!

Why is self care so important? Because physically, mentally and emotionally you are relieving yourself from daily stress and putting yourself first. The list of benefits goes on, but here are a few of my favorite: increase in energy, boost in mood & confidence and even a healthier immune system.

Even better, if you start to care for yourself, think of how much care you will give to others.

Focus on Physical Health

For my journey, this was one of the first steps. I knew I needed to make a change, and it started with my diet. The Keto Diet was something I tried, and loved! But everyone is different. The important part is finding a routine that you can stick to, and holding yourself accountable.

For those that know me, you know I love to INDULGE. However, I recently discovered that balance is key. Don’t restrict yourself from all things good – in fact, I recommend chocolate at least once a day.

I promise you, as hard as it is to make a change, the results are SO satisfying. Khloe Kardashian once told me, or it may have been on Instagram, can’t remember:

“One day or day one. You decide.”

Choose day one! Whether it’s changing up your diet, or joining a local gym, find what works for you.

I hope you can take these 4 beginner steps, and create your own path to finding self-love. Remember, it’s not going to happen overnight. I continue to work on these goals and set new ones every day! But all good things are worth waiting for – and I promise you, this is a good one.

