3 steps to getting fit even if you don’t know where to start

We all heard the excuses before before- I will start working out when I finally have time or I will start next week. But I am here to tell you that stops today, and I have found the answer on how to finally turn your words into actions.

1. Start small. The first day of the first week of committing to making your health a priority is the hardest thing. But it is also the most rewarding. When you start, do not set yourself up for failure. You’ve got to be realistic- sp don’t think you’ll be able to to go on running a half marathon when clearly you have not prepared or trained for it. These things don’t happen overnight. You’ve got to take baby steps. By starting small, I mean by going for a 10 minute walk and then gradually turning it to a couple miles of running or going to the gym and using some light weights for half an hour. You have to build yourself up to it, otherwise you will automatically feel defeated and burn out. Remember, baby steps forward are still considered progress! So set those goals & start small!

2. Get enough hours of sleep. When we are not well rested, this affects our entire next day. If you are feeling drained or fatigued it could be traced back to how you slept the night before. The normal amount of sleep for an adult is recommended between 7-9 hours. And the best way to achieve that goal is by limiting screen time 2 hours before bed time, reading a book to relax your mind and preparing for tomorrow- whether this means, packing your lunch ahead of time, laying out your clothes for the next day or going over what action items you need to complete!

3. Prepare for tomorrow. One of the many ways to strive for success, is to physically write down 3 things you wish to accomplish that day. Additionally, either sleeping in your gym clothes or having your gym bag all set and ready can help jump start your morning!

Most of the excuses we make that prohibit us from getting a sweat comes down to one common factor. TIME. We choose not to set aside time in our day or at least don’t consider it a priority, therefore, we sacrifice it. Once we rearrange our schedule and make working out one of our top goals, we will realize that time is simply a myth. We can always make time for the things we love and want to accomplish. 

These three steps are achievable for everyone-  from someone who’s just beginning, to someone who was once dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, but has recently lost their way, to someone who needs a little guidance or motivation. You CAN do this. If you’ve been looking for a sign, this very well might be it. Lace those sneakers up & remember to be patient with yourself.

For anyone that gives this a try, I would love to hear more from you, and if you are interested in hearing more ways to stay consistent with your health goals please follow me @froilinabella


If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Fred DeVito