Having joy in the midst of chaos
Over the past couple of months I have been reflecting on this topic a lot lately. It has been on my mind for awhile to write about, but I never knew where to start. Currently in my life right now, I am happy. My life is not perfect…definitely not perfect but through all of the trials and hard times, it has ultimately brought me here.
Today I stand before you a woman of strength, of confidence and courage, but man it wasn’t easy. It truly was a difficult journey to get here. And I’m not gonna lie to you guys, even now when everything feels great, and I feel like I’ve found a piece of land to grasp on to… I fall back in. I start to drown once again, and I find myself with a decision- to either sulk in the water and sink, or fight like hell to get back up and seek the joy through these trials.
So let me leave you with that thought before we get started. Where do you fall on this spectrum? Because if I’m being honest it’s way easier to just let the bad creep in. And It’s much easier to let those bad days control your moods.. your actions and words. But if you take the time to reflect on where that gets us, you realize the answer is no where. In return, we are left in a much lesser place than where we first started. I don’t know about you guys but I would much rather be safe and dry on land, then drowning in vast open water with no end in sight. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t know a secret solution to why bad things happen…or how to miraculously subside the pain. But what I do know, or what I want to share with you are some words of encouragement to help you through any time of uncertainty.
The following verse that was recently re-shared to me has truly helped me over the years. This comes from the book of James:
Dear brothers and sisters when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for GREAT joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So LET it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
James 1 2-4
When I first read this verse a couple of years ago, I just could not understand how someone could possibly have JOY in the midst of CHAOS. “Those two things just don’t really go together.” It’s like a polar opposite, is it not?! So after my initial confusion of hearing that I kept on reading.
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.
James 1 5-6
OKAY! and then it hit me.. My Faith was nowhere near in god alone.. better yet my faith was non-existent. I was so blinded by all of the things going wrong in my life that I forgot to seek God in those times. My faith had been tested and I ran in the opposite direction.. I took off. Tried to solve things on my own, filled voids with earthly objects, and slowly but surely found myself drowning. Eventually I hit the lowest of lows.. the bottom of the barrel. It wasn’t until I was in complete shambles that I FINALLY SURRENDERED. I made the decision to let my heart reach this place. I let my soul be devoured by these negative thoughts and tried to control this life around me that couldn’t be. Once I realized that I couldn’t change what happens around me. I figured out there was something that I could control and that was my actions.
With active prayer and self growth I began to change my actions. Over time I felt at peace, and I felt safe. Even though my life was still in shambles, I still found moments where I felt perfect and complete. I share this with you guys in hopes that I can encourage you to find the joy in the midst of your chaos. To seek growth, invite the chaos and be ready for what’s to come. Through pain we grow into the beautiful people we are meant to be.
The following list has truly helped me have joy through those hard times! I found these things/ activities really helpful for me to feel better and kept me smiling through them! Please remember that everyone’s trials are SO different and I have not by any means, have gone, or might ever go through what you have. Everyone heals differently. This is just what worked for me, in my life. But I hope I can encourage you, even through this simple post to find the ways you can find Joy in the midst of your chaos!
The ways I find Joy in the midst of Trials:
- Praying Daily.
- Seeking God through My Trials.
- Reading the Bible/ Finding positive quotes. Finding those tangible words that bring you joy.
- Community, this is so important, find your people, get into a bible study, A women’s group, an encouragement pod.
- Talk through your feelings, maybe look into therapy?
- Write about it, Journal your thoughts your progress.
- Reach out to family, friends, its okay not to be okay.
- Start a hobby, find your passions and your dreams.
- Fall in love with yourself again, self-love, affirmations.
- Take care of your body, your mind and heart. You can’t perform well when your not taking care of your inside.
- Take it one day at a time, you’re doing the best that you can.
- Remember above all else this is your journey, your process. Do not compare your circumstances , your loss, your chaos to anyone else’s.
Keep on shining!
Xoxo Hayls